helping airline employees along their ZED journey

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ProAir Aviation GmbH, PRA

(known as "ProAir")

 For our current Empty Legs, please check the following link:

Flight listing policy and procedures

  • ProAir requires all Standby passengers to have a listing prior to departure.
    Listings will not be handled at the Airport but will be actioned by our Contact Centre or myIDtravel - as per below conditions.
  • In order to log in to the above mentioned site, kindly contact your Staff Travel office for the relevant URL or User Name & Password.
  • In the event that the above application is unavailable, kindly send your listing requirement to, 24 hours prior to travel
  • To enable your listing we need the following details:
    - Name of Passeneger/s, Flights, Dates, Employee ID, Employee Company, Date of Hire, Telephone contact.
    - For children and infant we will need Date of Birth.
    - Where TSA rules apply, we will require Passport number, nationality place of issue, date of expiry.

·         Luggage allowance 32kg per person in hold + 8kg hand luggage


Visas and Passports & API/ESTA

  • Please check current valid travel details with your local Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • The necessary travel documents such as passport, visa or vaccination certificates must be acquired, and their validity must be checked by the traveler before starting the trip. ProAir accepts no responsibility for missing or invalid documents. Fines imposed to ProAir, resulting from non-compliance with official requirements, will be borne by the traveler.


Dress code and Behaviour

  • Eligible Persons travelling under the terms of this agreement must ensure that their appearance and behavior are in line with the Transporting Airline’s policy. Eligible Persons must ensure that no inconvenience is given to commercial passengers of the Transporting Airline and that ground staff and cabin crew are not distracted from giving maximum service to such passengers. As a rule, Eligible Persons should be dressed in accordance with public standards of good taste. This will normally mean attire suitable for an office, or smart casual wear. It excludes T-shirts, sweat-shirts, shorts, gym shoes, and similar extremes of casual wear. Failure to observe the regulations of the Transporting Airline may result in refusal to accept for travel. 


Special Service

  • No Special Services for stand-by passengers possible.
  • Children under 16 years cannot travel on a rebate ticket unless accompanied by an adult travelling on the same type of rebate ticket.

·        Catering excluded

·        PET (on request)


For any question or anything unclear, please don’t hesitate to contacting ProAir Flight Care Team

For our current Empty Legs, please check the following link: