Compania Panamena de Aviacion, S.A.(COPA), CM
(known as "Copa Airlines")
Dear Partners,
To align with our customer policy, all Copa Airlines and Copa Colombia employees, retirees, interline employees, and their pass riders are required to properly wear an approved face covering or mask at all times in public spaces in and around Copa and Copa Colombia airports (including ticket counters, gates, baggage claim, baggage service offices, and Copa Club locations), and on Copa Airlines and Copa Colombia aircraft, for the duration of the flight, except when eating and drinking, when traveling. The only exception is for children under 2 years of age. Airport locations may not have face maesks avaiable, so we strongly recommend employees, retirees, and pass riders bring their own masks or face coverings. Failure to adhere to this face covering policy in all airport Copa and Copa Colombia locations or on flights will result in refusal of travel. For additional information, visit our webpage.
Thank you and please be safe wherever you are
Best regards, Copa Airlines and Copa Colombia